JAT Podcasts

The Official Podcasts of the Journal of Athletic Training

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Monday Feb 04, 2019

Interview Information:
Stacey Ritter MS, ATC
Interassociation Recommendations for Developing a Plan to Recognize and Refer Student-Athletes With Psychological Concerns at the Secondary School Level: A Consensus Statement
Social Media Information:
Journal of Athletic Training

Tuesday Jan 22, 2019

Article Summary Information:
Shoulder Range of Motion and With Baseball Arm Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Interview Information:
Cooling Rates of Hyperthermic Humans Wearing American Football Uniforms When Cold-Water Immersion is Delayed
Fatal Exertional Heat Stroke and American Football Players: The Need for Regional Heat-Safety Guidelines
National Athletic Trainers' Association Position Statement: Immediate Management of Appendicular Joint Dislocations
Dr. Kevin Miller

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019

Article Summary Information:
Athletic Trainers’ Effect on Population Health: Improving Access to and Quality of Care.
Interview Information:
School and Community Socioeconomic Status and Access to Athletic Trainer Services in Wisconsin Secondary Schools.
Emergency Preparedness of Secondary School Athletic Programs in Arizona.
Dr. Eric Post

Monday Dec 17, 2018

Interview Information:
Dr. Toni Torres-McGehee
NATA Position Statements
Social Media Information:
Journal of Athletic Training

JATChat | Dr. Tim McGuine

Monday Dec 03, 2018

Monday Dec 03, 2018

Interview Information:
The Influence of Athletic Trainers on the Incidence and Management of Concussions in High School Athletes
School and Community Socioeconomic Status and Access to Athletic Trainer Services in Wisconsin Secondary Schools
Dr. Tim McGuine
Social Media Information:
Journal of Athletic Training

Monday Nov 12, 2018

Article Summary Information:
The Self-Efficacy of Certified Athletic Trainers in Assessing and Managing Sport-Related Concussions
Interview Information:
Athletic Training Service Characteristics for Patients With Ankle Sprains Sustained During High School Athletics
High School Athletic Trainer Services for Knee Injuries
Dr. Janet Simon

Monday Nov 05, 2018

Hosted by Dr. Lizzie Hibberd (@EEHibberd)
Dr. Julianne Schmidt (@JDSchmitty) 
Dr. Rob Lynall (@RobLynall)
UGA Concussion (@UGAconcussion) 
Contact us: jatsocialmedia@gmail.com

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018

In case you missed it on Facebook Live (Facebook.com/JATNATA) or Twitter (Twitter.com/JAT_NATA), here is a re-broadcast of the JATChat featuring Dr. Stephanie Mazerolle that was recorded on 10/11/2018.  Dr. Mazerolle discussed the new NATA Position Statement on Facilitating Work-Life Balance in Athletic Training Settings.

Monday Oct 01, 2018

Assessment of Evidence-Based Health and Safety Policies on Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletics: A Benchmark Study
Demographic, Parental, and Personal Factors and Youth Athletes’ Concussion-Related Knowledge and Beliefs
Twitter: @JAT_NATA
Contact us: jatsocialmedia@gmail.com

JATChat | Dr. Zach Kerr

Friday Sep 14, 2018

Friday Sep 14, 2018

In case you missed it on Facebook Live (Facebook.com/JATNATA) or Twitter (Twitter.com/JAT_NATA), here is a re-broadcast of the JATChat featuring the Dr. Zach Kerr of the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill.
Dr. Kerr discussed the upcoming series of sports injury epidemiology papers that will be published in the Journal of Athletic Training starting with, "The First Decade of Web-Based Sports Injury Surveillance (2004–2005 Through 2013–2014): Methods of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance Program and High School Reporting Information Online."
This event was recorded on 8/21/2018. 
Link to article: http://natajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.4085/1062-6050-143-17

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