Tuesday Jul 06, 2021

The AT Tapes | Integrating Wearables into ACL Rehabilitation

Dr. Lizzie Elder interviews Dr. Chris Kuenze about the use of wearable technology to track patient outcomes after ACL reconstruction as well as his recent paper "Feasibility of a Wearable-Based Physical Activity Goal-Setting Intervention Among Individuals With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction."

Article Link: https://bit.ly/3j5KgM6

Dr. Chris Kuenze is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology, a clinical professor in the Department of Orthopedics, and the Director of the the Sports Injury Research Laboratory. His primary research interest is the impact of ACL reconstruction on physical activity participation developing interventional approaches to promote physical activity during clinical care. His secondary interests include clinical evaluation of lower extremity neuromuscular function with the goals of reducing ACL re-injury risk and promoting positive long term patient outcomes. 

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