Monday Jun 29, 2020
JAT Chat | Consensus on the Prehospital Care of Athletes With Suspected Cervical Spine Injury
Dr. Kara Radzak interviews Dr. Brianna Mills, Ron Courson, Dr. James Ellis, and Dr. Stanley Herring about their recent papers titled "Consensus Recommendations on the Prehospital Care of the Injured Athlete With a Suspected Catastrophic Cervical Spine Injury" and "Best Practices and Current Care Concepts in Prehospital Care of the Spine-Injured Athlete in American Tackle Football."
Dr. Brianna Mills is a Research Scientist at the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center at the University of Washington. Dr. Mills was responsible for leading the the consensus building process and served as the first authors of the consensus paper discussed in this video.
Ron Courson has served as Director of Sports Medicine with the University of Georgia Athletic Association since 1995. He previously served as Director of Rehabilitation at the University of Alabama from 1991-1995 and Director of Rehabilitation with Samford University from 1989-1991. Courson received his undergraduate degree in education/physical education from Samford University, performed two years of graduate work at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, and graduated with honors from the Medical College of Georgia with a degree in physical therapy. Courson is a national registered advanced emergency medical technician as well as a certified strength and conditioning specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Stanley A. Herring, MD, is senior medical advisor and co-founder of The Sports Institute at UW Medicine, medical director of Sports, Spine and Orthopedic Health for UW Medicine, and co-medical director of the Sports Concussion Program, a partnership between UW Medicine and Seattle Children's.
Dr. James Ellis specializes in emergency medicine in Greenville, SC and has over 35 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from Louisiana State University School Of Medicine In New Orleans with his medical degree in 1985. He is affiliated with numerous hospitals in South Carolina and more, including Ghs Greenville Memorial Hospital.